On March 18th, for the second consecutive year, we held a panel talk with artists, activists and entrepreneurs to celebrate international womxn's month.
The panelists discussed their experiences they had and continue to have as womxn in the Berlin art scene. As moderators, Rebekah Bogle and Lauren Michelle asked a lot of personal questions, too. Questions about how art creates a process to deal with emotional and traumatic struggles or where they draw strength and inspiration from and what womxn are their idols and why.
Currently exhibited artists like Galya Feirman, Edina Picco, Ilinca Barbato and Wanda Stang, as well as previously exhibited artists like Aziya and Ganna Ki were participating in the talk. Womxn from other fields, like Chiedza Muguti representing womxn in tech, Barbara Russ as a journalist and Adriane Morard as a graphics designer contributed to the discussion. Thus painting an even larger picture of achievements, discrimination and dreams from womxn in different, yet closely linked to art, professions.
- Véro Seibert