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Kink: Embracing Liberation | 08.07 - 24.07.2023


Andrea Galad, Clement Louis, Rein Vollenga, Lupae, Marc Martin, Victor Hensel-Coe, Yu-Liang Liu, Andreas Hachulla, Sophie Lazari, Anne Bengard, Mathias Vef & Lars Deike.


Group Exhibition 'KINK: Embracing Liberation' Challenges Stereotypes and Celebrates LGBTQIA+ History. Co-curated by Sara Lily Perez and Chriss Phillips from Pornceptual, the exhibition is a powerful showcase that delves into the world of kink and BDSM, challenging stereotypes and misconceptions surrounding these practices. The exhibition aims to shed light on the kink community in LGBTQ+ history for decades, fostering liberation and pushing boundaries.

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