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Hypostasen | 03.06 - 24.07.2023
Kerstin Dzewior, Rolf Bremer, Mocx Dabbert, Marco Wachsmuth, Wanda Stang & Käte Müller.
In celebration of this year's World Environmental Month, Galerie Sara Lily Perez presents an exhibition in collaboration with FO YOU Voluntary Art Liaison, a Berlin-based artist collective that provides a platform for independent art production.
The collection features a wide range of materials and media that capture different perspectives on the natural world. Bold, intense colors and sometimes sobering motifs draw visitors in and provoke thought about our relationship with nature. From sweeping landscapes to abstract forms, each
work speaks to the overarching theme of the exhibition.
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Mocx_construction site_2021_Oiloncanvas_140x100cm
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