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Darii Kong


Updated: Mar 7, 2023

Black History Month by Frantz Lamothe, Martin Dreves Castillo and Kat Pablo & Pedro Knife | 04.02.–28.02.2023

Celebrate Black History Month with us! The upcoming exhibition will be an exploration into the colourfulness and diversity of the world's largest diaspora community.

The Vernissage will host an inspiring poetry performance by Kat Pablo to set the tone for the entire month. Aiming to create a dialogue between questions of identity and homeland, the viewers are encouraged to participate in a vital discourse about representation, community and internationality. Black History Month exhibition at Galerie SLP captures the fascinating legacy of the international Black community, highlighting the importance of diversity, togetherness and hope.

Join us on a journey through Frantz Lamothes colourful canvases and uniquely painted denim-jackets, Martin Dreves-Castillos vivid paintings and Kat Pablos photographs and poetry installations. The month will also feature a variety of poetry and rap performances to create a multi-sensory experience.


Frantz Lamothe is a Haitian self-taught artist, born in 1961 in Port-au-Prince, who moved to New York at age 6, narrowly escaping dictatorship. There, Lamothe encountered the dynamic world of street art and graffiti, even knitting a friendship with Jean-Michel Basquiat. Love, past experiences and pop art symbols permeate his vibrant acrylic paintings, discussing themes of identity. During the 90s, Lamothe’s artistic production evolved to creating statement “wearable prints” on painted Levi’s denim jackets, a popular series which he recently retook. Lamothe’s art has made him travel all over the world, exhibiting his work in over 50 galleries, from Europe to Japan.

Martin Dreves Castillo is a Colombian-German artist who grew up in Botswana, Colombia and Ecuador before settling in Berlin in 2014. Initially drawing television characters as a young boy, Dreves Castillo now devotes himself to mixed-media paintings, incorporating oil, acrylic and chalk into the creation of his abstract pieces. His focus is about the contrast of complexion and simplicity to show subjects like evolution and growth of the self. The notion of the work is that one can be part of any community, as long as one does what makes them happy. His upcoming projects include a show in New York City as well as returning to Berlin for a small clothing campaign during Berlin Art Week in September.

- Véro Seibert

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